Web Joystick using Flask server and roslibjs


Link to roslibjs tutorials - http://wiki.ros.org/roslibjs

Usage of this project

  • This is a ROS catkin workspce. After buliding the workspace using catkin_make,run the launchfile - roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
  • Next host the website by running the joy_gui/main.py file, developed using flask. It will host the joy stick @

More Info

  • Source your preferred workspace and run the rosbridge_websocket.launch of rosbridge_server package
    • This acts as a bridge between the website & ROS master and you will be able to use any feature of ROS in that workspace.
  • We now have to host a web server which provides a backend for our joystick template
    • Python Flask is an awesome tool for hosting small server and is easy to use
    • roslibjs has almost all features that rospy has, enabling us to create a UI for remotely operating our bot